Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The latest addition to the eco-fashion show frenzy occured in Cracow on January 26th. With the Cracow School of Art and Fashion Design (Szkola Artystyczego Projektowania Ubioru) educating students in creating innovating eco-fashion clothing made of recycled materials-paper and plastic, its no surprise all eyes were on Polish designers for their interpretation of the global trend. Over 300 garments were presented during the show titled "Recykling Multiplikacje". The show was also an opening event of the international competition for young designers's The Fashion Academy Award.
Images by Pawel Kaminski

Shoes made from tires, foam cups, magazines, and cork? Wallets made from inner tubes? Purses from noodle bags or plastic soda pop tabs? Dresses made from recycled paper?
What’s this all about? It’s called “recycled fashion”, and it’s becoming necessary as well as popular. Recycled fashion however, isn’t entirely a result of abstract creativity like the ones mentioned above. Each year, the average American throws away about 70 pounds of clothing each year and make up about 3% of our household waste. They end up in landfills and most don’t decompose.
Recycled fashion can be fun and economical. If you’re not one to wear a recycled paper dress, enjoy recycled fashion by shopping from second-hand stores and charity shops. You get great recycled fashion for a fraction of the price of new, and the charity shop will use your money to help their cause.

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